A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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The professional courier, Xemi, has found herself in the "basement" of a castle owned by magical sisters Lin and Yuku. There she must find the 4 artifacts that Yuku feels like having back. Or not.

"Basement" is a puzzle platformer made in Pico-8 just to see if a decent adventure game could be made in that engine. Inspired by a mix of indie and retro games, it features mechanics more in line with older platformers, such as ledge grabbing, to emphasize a more deliberate and down-to-earth feel. It features no combat whatsoever, with the main threat being fall damage as the player is challenged find safe paths through each section. Guidance is kept to a minimal, with all sections of the game being available right from the start as long as the player can figure out how to get to them.


arrows - move,   z - interact,  x - jump,   escape/enter - bring up menu

there is more nuance to the controls, but the game is designed to encourage the players to figure the rest out for themselves.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

basement_linux.zip 1.3 MB
basement_osx.zip 6.4 MB
basement_raspi.zip 2.7 MB
basement_windows.zip 2.1 MB
basement.p8.png 42 kB

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